Houston Pet Sitters Vote for Best Cat Litter
Once upon a time, I was cleaning the litter box during a cat sitting visit, and thinking about how much difference cat litter makes in cleaning the box. On the way to the next pet sitting visit, I started wondering if other sitters had an opinion about the best–and worst–cat litter types and brands.
I sent out an email to all our pet sitters, asking their opinions. These folks clean a LOT of Houston’s litter boxes, and were generous with their opinions. There was a clear and nearly unanimous winner, as well as two losers.
Pretty much everyone preferred clumping cat litter. Tidy Cats was mentioned by name, and was the winner in the Houston’s Best Pet Sitters Best Cat Litter contest. Two sitters liked Fresh Step crystals for the ease of scooping, but not the fact that cats don’t cover up the waste so it’s just sort of lying there, and a bit smelly. Every single cat sitter hated litter made from recycled newspaper, and also wheat cat litter.
I like Tidy Cat, too, and I especially like the newer lightweight litter. I knew it would be easier to lug home, and to refill the box. But I hadn’t expected the added bonus of the lighter weight making scooping easier, as well. For what it’s worth, our cat sitters offer the benefit of their vast experience.